[daip] [Fwd: Re: VLBA data from BR085 (2003 May)]

Mayumi Sato msato at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Mon May 9 06:23:53 EDT 2011

Dear Amy,

Thank you very much for your kind advice.
I will use VLBAEOP for the EOP correction.

> As for bc087b, I think you uncommented the lines for single dish, bc087b
> looks like a 2cm phased array experiment so you should uncomment lines:
>  GAIN Y ALTAZ POLY=1.0 DPFU=0.093,0.093 / ! 2cm
>  TSYS Y FT=1.0 TIMEOFF=-32. /
> If that doesn't work get back to me.

Yes, the experiment uses a phased array at 2cm and also at 1.3cm.
Just by judging from the header comments in the bc087bcal.y file, the
above GAIN/TSYS lines you suggested seems to be for single dish and
the later section regardless of wavelength seems for the phased array,
but which should I uncomment?
And if I should uncomment the first section named Single-antenna
project, what should I put for the blanked POLY value at 1.3cm?

As for the BAD TIME error message, I realized it occurred because I
was separating INDEX entry and TSYS entry by "/" which was written as
"Do not do" in the cookbook C.8.2.
I'm sorry I wasn't careful.  Now I don't have the error message.
But I'm still not sure about which GAIN/TSYS lines to uncomment, and I
would appreciate your advice.

Thank you very much for your help.


Mayumi Sato

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