Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Mar 28 14:03:27 EDT 2011

Mar Mezcua wrote:
> Dear Eric Greisen,
> I am a PhD student who recently installed AIPS in her Mac OS X. 
> When I run it, I had a message saying something like that AIPS couldn't find the NEWEST in the UNIXSERVERS.
> Following your suggestions from the website, I modified the UNIXSERVERS and wrote $SYSLOCAL/NEWEST instead of NEWEST.
> Now, when I run it, all the error messages I had before do not appear. But now I get:
> /Users/mmezcua/aips/START_TVSERVERS: line 189: /Users/mmezcua/aips/31DEC11/SYSTEM/UNIX/UNIXSERVERS: Permission denied
> (I installed AIPS in /Users/mmezcua/aips).
> I have checked the permissions for UNIXSERVERS and they are:
> -rw-r--r--@
> I have tried to modify them, but I cannot (even using root). And I do not know what the '@' means.
> Do you have any idea of which is the problem?

No.  I would suggest deleting UNIXSERVERS - if you can - and running the 
MNJ to replace it.  It should include execute permissions.  Perhaps a 
$SYSLOCAL copy of UNIXSERVERS? - I attach the text.

Eric Greisen

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