[daip] Problems in setting up AIPS in a Macbook Pro with Mac OS X 10.6.3

Miguel Ángel Pérez Torres torres at iaa.es
Wed May 5 12:52:39 EDT 2010

Dear DAIP, 

I am installing AIPS in a Macbook Pro with Mac OS X 10.6.3.
I followed your nice cookbook in the AIPS webpages, and everything seems to have worked well, 
except for the following things

1.-  For some reason, setting the DISPLAY does not allow to run AIPS. Let me explain:

If I set up the variable as: 

setenv DISPLAY :0.0 
setenv DISPLAY localhost:0, 

I then type 
aips, and I get the following

START_AIPS: I am GUESSING you are at a workstation called localhost
START_AIPS: Starting TV servers on localhost asynchronously
START_AIPS:  - with Internet Sockets...
START_AIPS: Starting TPMON daemons on LOCALHOST asynchronously...
Starting up 31DEC10 AIPS with normal priority
Begin the one true AIPS number 2 (release of 31DEC10) at priority =   0 
AIPS 2: You are assigned TV device/server   1
AIPS 2: You are assigned graphics device/server   1
AIPS 2: Enter user ID number
?DADEVS.PL: This program is untested under Perl version 5.010
XASERVERS: Start TV LOCK daemon TVSERV on localhost
TVSERVER: Starting AIPS TV locking, Inet domain
XASERVERS: Start XAS on localhost, DISPLAY :0
XAS: ** TrueColor FOUND!!! 
XAS: ***  Using shared memory option for speed ***
XAS: Using screen width 1270 height 678,
     max grey level 8191 in 16 grey-scale memories
XASERVERS: Start graphics server TEKSRV on localhost, DISPLAY :0
XASERVERS: Start message server MSGSRV on localhost, DISPLAY :0

AIPS 2: Enter user ID number

At this point, AIPS doesn't run any further. In addition, the MSGSRV and the TV run OK, but the TVSERV complains as follows:

xgterm: Can't execvp  

and doesn't work. And this in spite of having removed the usual lines in the UNIXSERVERS and XASERVERS files, following your recommendations of a few years ago:

          ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \

removing the setenv command.  You may even have to remove the "'s.

Those lines read now as follows:

              ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              &) ;;

The only way to make it run is by typing 
aips tv=local, but then I get a funny complain about xgterm that I cannot understand

UNIXSERVERS: Start message server MSSRV2 on localhost, display :0
Trying to make hard link MSSRV2 to MSGSRV.EXE ...
xgterm:  bad command line option "-e"

usage:  xgterm [-help] [-display displayname] [-geometry geom] [-G geom]
    [-/+rv] [-bg color] [-fg color] [-bd color] [-bw number] [-fn fontname]
    [-iconic] [-name string] [-title string] [-xrm resourcestring] [-/+132]
    [-/+ah] [-b number] [-/+cb] [-cc classrange] [-/+cn] [-cr color] [-/+cu]
    [-/+dc] [-/+sbr] [-fb fontname] [-/+im] [-/+j] [-/+l] [-lf filename]
    [-/+ls] [-/+mb] [-mc milliseconds] [-ms color] [-nb number] [-/+aw] [-/+rw]
    [-/+s] [-/+sb] [-/+sf] [-/+si] [-/+sk] [-sl number] [-tm string] [-tn name]
    [-/+ut] [-/+vb] [-/+wf] [-e command args ...] [%geom] [#geom] [-T string]
    [-n string] [-C] [-Sxxd]

Type xgterm -help for a full description.

In addition, in this case the xgterm does not appear at all.
If I modify the AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR to

setenv AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR xterm

and run again aips: aips tv=local

I get the same complaint:

xterm:  bad command line option "-e"

usage:  xterm [-/+132] [-C] [-Sccn] [-T string] [-/+ah] [-/+ai] [-/+aw]
    [-b number] [-/+bc] [-bcf milliseconds] [-bcn milliseconds] [-bd color]
    [-/+bdc] [-bg color] [-bw number] [-/+cb] [-cc classrange] [-/+cjk_width]
    [-class string] [-/+cm] [-/+cn] [-cr color] [-/+cu] [-/+dc]
    [-display displayname] [-e command args ...] [-fa pattern] [-fb fontname]
    [-/+fbb] [-/+fbx] [-fd pattern] [-fg color] [-fi fontname] [-fn fontname]
    [-fs size] [-fw fontname] [-fwb fontname] [-fx fontname] [%geom] [#geom]
    [-geometry geom] [-help] [-/+hm] [-/+hold] [-iconic] [-/+ie] [-/+im]
    [-into windowId] [-/+j] [-/+k8] [-kt keyboardtype] [-/+l] [-/+lc]
    [-lcc path] [-leftbar] [-lf filename] [-/+ls] [-/+maximized] [-/+mb]
    [-mc milliseconds] [-/+mesg] [-/+mk_width] [-ms color] [-n string]
    [-name string] [-nb number] [-/+nul] [-/+pc] [-/+pob] [-rightbar] [-/+rv]
    [-/+rvc] [-/+rw] [-/+s] [-/+samename] [-/+sb] [-selbg color] [-selfg color]
    [-/+sf] [-/+si] [-/+sk] [-sl number] [-/+sm] [-/+sp] [-/+t] [-ti termid]
    [-title string] [-tm string] [-tn name] [-/+u8] [-/+uc] [-/+ulc] [-/+ulit]
    [-/+ut] [-/+vb] [-version] [-/+wc] [-/+wf] [-xrm resourcestring]
    [-ziconbeep percent]

Type xterm -help for a full description.

Any hint of why it complains about an option I don't use (apparently)? I thought the responsible thing were the "'s I removed in the {UNIX,XA}SERVERS files, but it doesn't seem to be that, either. 

Thanks in advance for your help!

Dr. Miguel-Angel Perez-Torres                  http://www.iaa.es/~torres
Research Scientist                                  Office: +34-958 23 06 44
Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucía         Fax:    +34-958 81 45 30
C/ Camino Bajo de Huetor, 50                   E-18008 Granada, Spain

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