[daip] setup_aips command not found

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Apr 22 12:05:12 EDT 2010

Dan Klopp wrote:
> Eric Greisen wrote:
>> Dan Klopp wrote:
>>> I have a user on nekkar.cv.nrao.edu, user is Rachel Friesen (rfriesen),
>>> who
>>> reports the following problem:
>>> ============================
>>> - when opening a terminal, I always get the message "setup_aips:
>>> Command not found." This message used to pop up earlier and aips
>>> still worked, but now it doesn't. I get the following errors when
>>> trying to run aips:
>>> ZMSGOP: FILE DA01:MSD001000.001; NOT FOUND
>>> Thanks,
>>> rachel
>>> ============================
>>> I imagine it is something simple but I am not sure what it is.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Dan
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>> There is no command setup_aips so I suspect that this is something in 
>> her startup scripts.  What computer is she on?
>> I am sending this to the helpdesk since her computer may require being 
>> set up to run aips.
>> Eric Greisenn
> Actually, I am from the CV helpdesk.  I should have mentioned that.
> The computer is nekkar.cv.nrao.edu
> -Dan

I have taken a more detailed look.  This time I did get /home/nekkar to 
mount and set up the proper link file in $AIPS_ROOT/DA00 named NEKKAR 
and populated it with SYSETUP NEKKAR.  I can now run aips on it.

Whether your user can is another question since CV does not put a link
named aips to $AIPS_ROOT/START_AIPS in the /usr/local/bin.

The setup_aips comes from the user's .tcshrc.Linux file and is an 
ancient reference to various setup_* files which are supposed to be 
found automagically (I forget where they are/were).  The only one not 
commented out in her file is the setup_aips one - comment it out to get 
rid of the message.  It did do something useful (source 
$AIPS_ROOT/LOGIN.CSH or . $AIPS_ROOT/LOGIN.SH) once upon a time.

ERic Greisen

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