[daip] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Nasmyth mount not working in NEW/TST ?

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Apr 9 15:51:11 EDT 2010

Thomas Krichbaum wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Walter thinks that the MK4IN header is not recognized in the new the station coordinate transformation.
> Can you please fix this, so that we get it right from the next  midnight job.
The task MK4IN has never been submitted for NRAO maintenance and so is 
erroneous on at least one significant level.  It writes the antenna 
coordinates in a left handed system and choses station names using the 
SCHED "name" rather than "code".  So far as I know other correlators - 
certainly the VLBA - use the code.  The revised aips antenna and other 
tasks are self-defensive but only if they can recognize the antenna in 
some way.  They failed in that recognition and so did not correct 
MK4IN's more important error (which I would have fixed if the task were 
in AIPS' control).

I will revise the defensive subroutine to recognize more antenna station 
names which will fix the other error on the fly.  Note that this 
correction will only be done in 31DEC10 and I will almost certainly not 
link edit all tasks that need it.

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