[daip] problem with VBCAL

Lynn D. Matthews lmatthew at haystack.mit.edu
Fri Oct 30 20:27:05 EDT 2009

I am working with some data that require applying a scaling factor to 
the gains, and I have been attempting to do this using VBCAL.

However, when I look at resulting visibilities using, e.g., PRTUV, I see 
that the program is turning zeros into infinities, e.g.,


TEST_32T  0.201599994 TB      1 RR          1 LL          1 RL          1 
  Vis #     IAT      Ant    Amp Phas Wt   Amp Phas Wt   Amp Phas Wt   Amp 
Phas Wt

     30  0/02:57:14  1-30    0.0 -61 20    0.0  87 20    0.0-146 20    0.0 
-84 20
     31  0/02:57:14  1-31    0.0-103 20    0.0  95 20    0.0  92 20 
0.0-106 20


TEST_32T  0.201599994 TB      1 RR          1 LL          1 RL          1 
  Vis #     IAT      Ant    Amp Phas Wt   Amp Phas Wt   Amp Phas Wt   Amp 
Phas Wt

     30  0/02:57:14  1-30    0.0 -21 20    Inf  87 20    Inf-146 20    0.0 
-31 20
     31  0/02:57:14  1-31    Inf-103 20    Inf  95 20    Inf  92 20 
Inf-106 20

I found that this does not occur with a version of 31DEC08 aips, but this 
was also a different machine architecture.

Lynn Matthews

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