[daip] Problem with OFMFILEs in 31Dec09

Amanda Kepley aak8t at virginia.edu
Tue Mar 24 16:14:22 EDT 2009


I'm running the 31DEC09 version of AIPS. AIPS is having trouble reading 
in all the OFMFILE and stops at line 257 or says not enough grays. This 
seemed suspicious, so I used a previously working local copy of the 
RAINBOW OFMFILE and deleted the comments at the top (which were 
designated using a semi-colon). The OFMFILE read in. Substituting pound 
signs for the semi-colons also resulted in a working OFMFILE.

I hope this helps.



Amanda Kepley                                    
University of Virginia
Department of Astronomy
Room 237
Tel: 434-924-4897              

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