[daip] aips software linux mips compatibility

Kurtis Miller linear_shift at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 12 01:34:53 EDT 2009

Hi, I am an amateur radio astronomer interested in using your AIPS Classic software for my earth-rotation (drift scan at first) interferometer and VLBI projects. 

However, I have a couple questions:

Will AIPS Classic run on Linux MIPS? And how much memory is _required_ to run it (the system I was planning on using has 32MB RAM and 1GB of swap, though of course I'd rather not have to use swap ;) )? I have a Playstation 2 Linux system I was planning to run it on along with my data collection, and later VLBI correlator (all this may be a little much for my poor little PS2, but at the moment I'll have to make do if i can). 

Btw, my project site is:


And my blog is:


Thanks in advance,



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