[daip] DBCON => UVFIX

Hanno Spreeuw j.n.spreeuw at uva.nl
Mon Apr 6 00:52:25 EDT 2009

I just wanted to add that the angular separation would have been much 
larger, of the order of a degree or so, if one set of visibilities were 
converted to J2000 and the other were not.
The angular separation is about ten beamwidths or so, but the 
orientation (North, East, South, West) of the correctly located source 
with respect to the "ghost" source is not the same for all sources. The 
sum of the fluxes of these seem to amount to the correct flux.
The file you downloaded is the result of a large number of selfcal 
iterations on the original DBCON file. It gives a correct image in  
B1950 coordinates.

Leonia Kogan schreef:
> I was wrong at the previous message considering that DBCON does not 
> provide the information about
> subarray in "base".
> I UVCOPed  the huge HANNO's data to small data of 20 visibilities 
> included both subarrays
> and found that both
> DBCON and UVFIX do the right job.
> So the problem has not been detected yet :(
> I am sorry

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