[daip] IMAGR: multi-resolution with ATCA data

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Nov 20 11:55:07 EST 2008

Olaf Wucknitz wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently trying to map some ATCA observations of a source with 
> structure on many scales. The multi-resolution option of IMAGR seems to be 
> very appropriate in this case. Unfortunately it does not work properly at 
> the moment.
> The problem is that it only produces one dirty beam (for the point-source 
> channel) and does not scale the fluxes of the dirty maps accordingly. All 
> parameters in IMAGRPRM that depend on the beam ratio do not have an 
> effect, because the beam sizes are assumed to be equal.
> The reason for this behaviour seems to be related to the following piece 
> of code in IMAGR.FOR (line 667 and following):

I have made the change to allow DO3D true for ATCA data when NFILED>64 
or NGAUS>1.  I am not entirely certain that it handles the geometry 
correctly for ATCA data.

Eric Greisen

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