[daip] FRING/SEARCH is too small

Michael Rupen mrupen at nrao.edu
Wed May 21 15:52:53 EDT 2008

Dear DAip,

   the array SEARCH in FRING/KRING is used to list the order in which to search
antennas for fringes; only those antennas listed in SEARCH are examined.
Unfortunately SEARCH has only 10 elements, so only 10 antennas can be listed,
while typical HSA experiments have 12-13 antennas (VLBA+Y+GB+Ef), and
globals can have over 20.  Would it be possible to change SEARCH to allow
listing as many as 30 antennas?  This would incidentally allow full EVLA
fringe searches, should we ever go that route.

   Note that one _can_ search all antennas by setting SEARCH=0.  Unfortunately
this does _not_ allow specifying the order of the search, which can be

   Thanks --


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