[daip] bk151 (fwd)

Yuri Y. Kovalev ykovalev at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Thu May 8 14:04:30 EDT 2008

Dear colleagues,

For some reason Lorant did not forward it himself, so I am doing it.

I would suggest to comment directly in help to the task uvflg that in 
order UFLG to work one has to put an exactly the same REASON as the one 
used for an original flagging record to be unflagged.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 10:29:48 -0600 (MDT)
From: Lorant Sjouwerman <lsjouwer at nrao.edu>
To: Yuri Y. Kovalev <ykovalev at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de>
Subject: Re: bk151

I am not part of the AIPS group, this has to go to daip

On Thu, 8 May 2008, Yuri Y. Kovalev wrote:

#Dear Lorant,
#This is not in help, only in the explain file. However, this is a 
#critical requirement in making unflagging to work. As an active user of 
#AIPS I would be expected to know about it, but I did not. And I do read 
#manuals often.
#Could you please comment on it in help?
#I also would like to ask you guys to explain it better than it is 
#currently done. The sentence "REASON can also be used with 
#OPCODE='UFLG' to selectively unflag data." is not enough IMHO.
#On Thu, 8 May 2008, Lorant Sjouwerman wrote:
#> On Thu, 8 May 2008, Yuri Y. Kovalev wrote:
#> #Thanks, Lorant, for the explanation.
#> #Could this point be made clear in the UVFLG task manual (AIPS help)?
#> #Currently it is completely unclear. 
#> This is in the explain file (explain uvflg)
#>      If OPCODE='FLAG' the specified data is to be flagged either by
#> entries in the flagging table.  If OPCODE='UFLG' then the flagging
#> table entries are set to be deselected if they match the specified
#> entry.  NOTE: if there is ANY overlap in the specifications of data to
#> be unflagged and an entry in the flagging table then the entire table
#> entry is flagged (deselected, turned off).  Thus, if some range of the
#> specifications in the table entry are to remain flagged, these
#> portions should be reflagged.
#>      Entries made in a flagging table can be labeled with a reason
#> that the data was flagged.  OPCODE can then be used to deselect
#> entries in the flagging table with this reason thereby effectively
#> unflagging the data.  The entry may be up to 24 characters long.
#> REASON can also be used with OPCODE='UFLG' to selectively unflag data.
#> --
#> If you think this is unclear maybe you can suggest better wording 
#> to the AIPS group at daip at nrao.edu
#> Regards,
#> Lorant Sjouwerman - Scientific Services - lsjouwerman at nrao.edu
#> --------------------------------------------------------------
#> c/o NRAO Array Operations Center       Phone:  +1-575-835-7332
#>     P.O. Box 0 (1003 Lopezville Rd)    Switch: +1-575-835-7000
#>     Socorro NM 87801                   Fax:    +1-575-835-7027


Lorant Sjouwerman - Scientific Services - lsjouwerman at nrao.edu
c/o NRAO Array Operations Center       Phone:  +1-575-835-7332
    P.O. Box 0 (1003 Lopezville Rd)    Switch: +1-575-835-7000
    Socorro NM 87801                   Fax:    +1-575-835-7027

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