[daip] very minor bug in WINDF.FOR

Olaf Wucknitz wucknitz at astro.uni-bonn.de
Thu Jun 19 11:24:38 EDT 2008


sorry for bothering you with another nitpicking bug report. This one does 
not cause harm and is easy to fix.

When MSGKILLing the lesser messages from IMAGR, I noticed that some 
information from WINDF (reading BOXFIL) still gets through.

In WINDF.FOR there is starting at line 147 the following block:

         MSGTXT = 'WINDF: Number of clean boxes/field read as follows:'
         CALL MSGWRT(7)
         DO 80 J = 1,NFIELD,4
            I1 = J
            I2 = MIN (NFIELD, I1+3)
            WRITE (MSGTXT,1070) ('Fld', I, NBOXES(I), I = I1,I2)
            CALL MSGWRT (3)
 80         CONTINUE
         END IF

Since these are merely informational messages, I assume that the priority 
level should be 3 for all messages and not 7 for the heading.


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