[daip] MFPRT option

David Boboltz dboboltz at usno.navy.mil
Fri Jan 18 13:01:40 EST 2008

Hi Eric et al.,

I think that I've made this request before, but I can't recall if you  
said it was
too difficult to do or not.

I use the task MFPRT all of the time to output lists of maser  
components for
analysis outside of AIPS.  Right now the task outputs only specific  
depending on the value for OPTYPE, but unfortunately not the columns  
that I
use the most which are:

Channel,  Velocity (km/s), Peak int (Jy/beam), I flux (Jy),  X-offset  
(mas),  Y-offset (mas),
error Peak (Jy/beam), error Flux (Jy), error X-offset (mas), error Y- 
offset (mas)

I can use PRTAB to do it, but the output position offsets and errors  
are in degrees
requiring a conversion.  I have a private version of MFPRT that I  
kluged together that
does it, but that version was compiled and linked on a Linux  
machine.  I'm currently
on a Mac using the binary install of AIPS and the MNJ so I can't  
compile my private

So, I was hoping that, if it is not too difficult, you might add an  
option to be able
to select the columns from the MF file within MFPRT?  Otherwise maybe  
you could
add another OPTYPE with the specific columns from above?



Dr. David A. Boboltz            Phone:    202-762-1488
U.S. Naval Observatory          Fax:      202-762-1514
3450 Massachusetts Ave., NW     e-mail:   dboboltz at usno.navy.mil
Washington, DC 20392-5420

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