[daip] FITLD with Software Correlator Data

Walter Brisken wbrisken at nrao.edu
Tue Jan 8 16:47:26 EST 2008

An important part of the software correlator effort is making FITS files 
that are readable by AIPS.  I have had generally very good success getting 
all the tables and data to be properly interpreted.  One exception is the 
weather table.  It appears the table I generate is first read in as a "WR" 
table and converted (via some procedure called WR2WX or something like 
that) to the WX table that users can explore.  It appears that there is a 
column offset in translation somewhere that causes rubbish data in the WX 
table.  This is despite my inability to find any differences in the binary 
representation of the WR table in tables I generate and those made by 
cjobgen (the .CL files that get appended at correlation time).


PRTAB1: Task PRTAB  (release of 31DEC08) begins
  cosmos    PRTAB(31DEC08)   2179     08-JAN-2008  16:27:53    Page    1
6020.00.0   .DIFX  .   1  Disk= 1    WX Table version   1
Created by      FITLD on 08-JAN-2008 15:13:13
Last written by FITLD on 08-JAN-2008 15:13:13
Ncol  11  Nrow      18    Sort cols:
     Table has     3 keyword-value pairs:
    OBSCODE  =  BL156
    RDATE    =  20071222
    TABREV   =            3
    Table can be written as a FITS ASCII table

COL. NO.         1             2             3            4             5
   NUMBER    D/HMS         D/HMS                                   CENTIGRA
        1    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1064094925        1       9.990000E+02
        2    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1065143501        1       9.990000E+02
        3    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1064724070        1       9.988000E+02
        4    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1063675494        1       8.394000E+02
        5    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1063675494        1       8.396000E+02
        6    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1061997773        1       8.396000E+02
        7    00:00:00.0    00:00:00.0    1061788058        1       9.992000E+02

The values printed in the TEMPERATURE column above are the correct values 
for pressure.  The FITS file in question is:


Also feel free to look at my AIPS disk in socorro:  computer=parallax, 
userid=2179, disk=1, slot=292:

>getn 292
AIPS 1: Got(1)   disk= 1  user=2179   type=UV   6020.00.0.DIFX.1

I can point to more FITS files with this issue if that is useful.  It is 
possible the problem is with my FITS generation program, but since I 
cannot find any obvious problems in the FITS files I generate I'd like 
help from someone with better FITS tools than I have.



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