[daip] UVFIT, UVMOD bugs (31DEC07)

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Aug 13 20:53:45 EDT 2008

Michael Bietenholz wrote:
> UVFIT and UVMOD (31DEC07; MNJ today) both seem to limit GPOS to be >
> -1.  That makes no sense, since their positions are wrt. the phase
> center, so arbitrary -ive positions should be allowed.
> (Affects SDMOD and likely others as well)

Quite right - GPOS andd FPOS were supposed to be in absolute pixels but 
they are also used in relative pixels and in arc sec.  So they cannot be 
treated as "system adverbs" so I fixed inputs and go and even patched 
31DEC07 for this.  A MNJ now on 31DEC07 will fetch the corrected code.
NB - I did not test but I know what was needed (I found FPOS a short 
while ago).

MNJ on 31DEC08 needs to wait until later tonight.


Eric Greisen

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