[daip] DBCON question

Hanno Spreeuw hspreeuw at science.uva.nl
Fri Apr 4 11:26:01 EDT 2008

Hello, I would like to ask a question about DBCON.
Suppose you have two datasets from different epochs (and different VLA 
configurations) at almost the same frequency.
I split the separate channels from both datasets using uvcop and glue 
all of them together into one dataset using dbcon.
It works, without error.
I can concatenate all of the first epoch using doarr 1.
When I want to concatenate with the first channel of the data from the 
second epoch, I use doarr -1.
But what if I concatenate this with the second and next channels of the 
data from the second epoch?
I could continue setting doarr -1, but that would make an unnecessary 
extra number of AN files and subarrays, also these second and next 
channels from the second epoch would be separated from the first channel 
of the second epoch  by multiples of 5 days.
Is there a workaround?
If I set doarr +1 when concatenating with the second and next channels 
of the second epoch it doesn't work because all that data is adversely 
assigned to subarray 1 of the first epoch which gives bogus data.

Can you help?

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