[daip] UVCON/FITS problem

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Oct 5 16:18:09 EDT 2007

Vincent Fish writes:
 > I'm having some problems running UVCON, and I was hoping you might have 
 > some insights as to what's going wrong.
 > The intent is to simulate a UV data set from an array, given an input 
 > image and a few observational parameters.  The task works, in that when 
 > I use an image of Cyg A from Rick Perley and put in, for instance, the 
 > VLBA (using AIPSTARS:VLBA_UVCON), I can generate a usable, realistic UV 
 > data set.
 > Now, what I'm trying to do is to use an image I've generated from 
 > (somebody else's) theoretical modelling of a source.  Their data were 
 > in the form x,y,intensity; I've created a FITS file from this.  When I 
 > read it into AIPS, I can display the image properly on the TV (TVALL).
 > But when I try to use it as the input image in UVCON, it dies with the 
 > following error messages:
 > poisso> UVCON1: SETGDS: imaging done with one OFFSET tangent plane

     All of the messages up to the FREQ axis message make sense if you
told it to use a CC model w/o providing one.  You can tell it to use
a CMODEL = 'IMAG' model and those messages will go away.  I do not
understand the next one which - as you have deduced is critical -
since the UV header gets created early on, squirreled away and then
sent in to the place where this test is done and the UV data header
must have 5 axes including FREQ.  At this stage, it appears that it is
not testing your model header but the self-created UV header and it is
failing.  If you send me your model and your full set of adverbs, I
suppose I could try it in the debugger (Leonia does not seem to be
around just now).

Eric Greisen

 > Ah ha, you say.  I've generated a 2-dimensional image that has no FREQ 
 > axis, so of course UVCON (or CHNDAT, or AXEFND, or H2CHR) chokes.  But 
 > it's more fundamental than that.  When I generate a 3-axis FITS file in 
 > IDL (RA--SIN,DEC--SIN,FREQ) or a 4-axis one (...,STOKES), UVCON dies 
 > with the same error message.  This happens no matter whether I set the 
 > FITS header keywords before FITLD'ing the images or afterward (using 
 > Next, I tried FITLD'ing the 2-axis FITS file generated by IDL and using 
 > the AIPS verb AXDEFINE to create a FREQ axis (explicitly called such). 
 > It's clearly there.  Here's the IMHEADER output (most of the keywords 
 > are stolen from the Cyg A file):
 > AIPS 1: Image=Undefine  (MA)         Filename=05_200_2AXES.MODEL .   1
 > AIPS 1: Telescope=MWA-LFD            Receiver=MWA-LFD
 > AIPS 1: Observer=                    User #=  101
 > AIPS 1: Observ. date=31-MAY-2002     Map date=05-OCT-2007
 > AIPS 1: Minimum= 0.00000000E+00      Maximum= 7.19929289E-04 JY/BEAM
 > AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 > AIPS 1: Type    Pixels   Coord value     at Pixel     Coord incr   Rotat
 > AIPS 1: RA---SIN   128    10 26 36.288    1024.00      -0.020000    0.00
 > AIPS 1: DEC--SIN   128    26 00 00.000    1025.00       0.020000    0.00
 > AIPS 1: FREQ         1   2.0000000E+11       1.00  1.0000000E+00    0.00
 > AIPS 1: STOKES       1   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00    0.00
 > AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 > AIPS 1: Coordinate equinox 2000.00
 > AIPS 1: Map type=NORMAL              Number of iterations=    3000
 > AIPS 1: Conv size= 0.24522 X 0.23557   Position angle=   2.97
 > AIPS 1: Observed RA   10 26 36.300    DEC  26 00 00.00
 > AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type HI is   1
 > AIPS 1: Keyword = 'WTNOISE '  value =  1.000007E+00
 > AIPS 1: Keyword = 'CCFLUX  '  value =  6.537626E+03
 > AIPS 1: Keyword = 'CCTOTAL '  value =  6.537626E+03
 > AIPS 1: Keyword = 'PARANGLE'  value = -4.800507E+01
 > AIPS 1: Keyword = 'ZENANGLE'  value =  9.515759E+01
 > But yet again, UVCON/CHNDAT can't find the frequency axis.  For the 
 > record, I'm not sure why it even needs to.  One specifies an observing 
 > frequency via APARM(1), a bandwidth via APARM(8) (problem arises for 
 > positive, negative, and zero values of APARM(8)), and a number of 
 > frequency channels via APARM(9).
 > What am I doing wrong?  Inputs are below.  (Yes, I know the VLBA doesn't 
 > work at 200 GHz; etc.)
 > Thanks for your help.
 >  							Vincent
 > AIPS 1: UVCON     Generates UV data for a given array and model
 > AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
 > AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 > AIPS 1: INFILE     'AIPSTARS:VLBA_UVCON'   Antenna location file name
 > AIPS 1: IN2FILE    *all ' '                TSYS and Efficiency
 > AIPS 1:                                    BLANK=>INFILE's data are used
 > AIPS 1:                                    for TSYS and Efficiency
 > AIPS 1: OUTFILE    *all ' '                Antenna location file name
 > AIPS 1:                                    Positions are in equatorial
 > AIPS 1:                                    coordinate system.
 > AIPS 1: IN2NAME    '05_200_2AXES'          Model image name (name)
 > AIPS 1:                                    The both dimensions of the
 > AIPS 1:                                    model must be 2**N pixels
 > AIPS 1: IN2CLASS   'MODEL'                 Model image name (class)
 > AIPS 1: IN2SEQ        1                    Model image name (seq. #)
 > AIPS 1: IN2DISK       1                    Model image disk unit #
 > AIPS 1: INVERS        0                    CC file version #.
 > AIPS 1: OUTNAME    ' '                     Output UV file name (name)
 > AIPS 1: OUTCLASS   ' '                     Output UV file name (class)
 > AIPS 1: OUTSEQ        0                    Output UV file name (seq. #)
 > AIPS 1: OUTDISK       0                    Output UV file disk unit #.
 > AIPS 1:                                    relatively of the initial
 > AIPS 1:                                    declinat., given at APARM(3)
 > AIPS 1:                                    per field (asec)
 > AIPS 1: APARM       200           0        Control information:
 > AIPS 1:             -29         -12        1: Frequency of chan. 1, GHz
 > AIPS 1:              12           0        2: Wavelength of ch 1, cm
 > AIPS 1:              60          -8           IF both .LE. 0 then
 > AIPS 1:               0           0           wavelength = 0.1 cm
 > AIPS 1:                                    3: Source declination, deg
 > AIPS 1:                                    4: Min hour angle, hours
 > AIPS 1:                                    5: Max hour angle, hours
 > AIPS 1:                                       The hour angles are for
 > AIPS 1:                                       the given array center
 > AIPS 1:                                    6: Min antenna elevation, deg
 > AIPS 1:                                    7: Integration time, sec
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => 1.D6
 > AIPS 1:                                       to simmulate snapshot
 > AIPS 1:                                    8: Bandwidth(increment) of
 > AIPS 1:                                       the freq. channel, MHz
 > AIPS 1:                                       >=0 => it is increment to
 > AIPS 1:                                       simulate multi chann. data
 > AIPS 1:                                       =0 => Bandwidth = 1MHz
 > AIPS 1:                                       <0 => one channel data to
 > AIPS 1:                                       simulate multi frequency
 > AIPS 1:                                       UV coverage
 > AIPS 1:                                    9: Number of freq. channels
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => 1
 > AIPS 1:                                   10: Max blockage allowed
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => 1 no blockage
 > AIPS 1: BPARM      *all 0                  Control information:
 > AIPS 1:                                    1: Multiplier of the calcul.
 > AIPS 1:                                       noise. 0 => 1
 > AIPS 1:                                             -1 => 0 (no noise)
 > AIPS 1:                                    2: Atmosphere noise at zenith
 > AIPS 1:                                       in degrees.
 > AIPS 1:                                    3: RMS of pointing error,
 > AIPS 1:                                       random among all antennas
 > AIPS 1:                                       but constant in time,
 > AIPS 1:                                       in arcsec
 > AIPS 1:                                       If (BPARM(3).LT.0) then
 > AIPS 1:
 > AIPS 1:                                          the phase and amplitude
 > AIPS 1:                                          errors of each antenna
 > AIPS 1:                                          are simulated instead
 > AIPS 1:                                          of pointing error.
 > AIPS 1:                                          ABS(BPARM(3)) is half
 > AIPS 1:                                          range of homogeneously
 > AIPS 1:                                          distributed phase, rad
 > AIPS 1:
 > AIPS 1:                                          BPARM(4) is half
 > AIPS 1:                                          range of homogeneously
 > AIPS 1:                                          distributed natural LOG
 > AIPS 1:                                          of factor to amplitude
 > AIPS 1:
 > AIPS 1:                                          BPARM(5):
 > AIPS 1:                                          0 => only one (first)
 > AIPS 1:                                          clean component is
 > AIPS 1:                                          affected by the
 > AIPS 1:                                          phase/amp noise
 > AIPS 1:                                          1 => all clean
 > AIPS 1:                                          components are affected
 > AIPS 1:
 > AIPS 1:                                    4: global pointing error,
 > AIPS 1:                                       constant in time for all
 > AIPS 1:                                       antennas,
 > AIPS 1:                                       in arcsec
 > AIPS 1:                                    5: RMS of pointing error,
 > AIPS 1:                                       random among all antennas
 > AIPS 1:                                       and in time,
 > AIPS 1:                                       in arcsec
 > AIPS 1:                                    6: Type of the primary beam
 > AIPS 1:                                       1 => circular dish with
 > AIPS 1:                                            the flat illumination
 > AIPS 1:                                       2 => illumination is 10dB
 > AIPS 1:                                            down at the dish edge
 > AIPS 1:                                       3 => illumination is 15dB
 > AIPS 1:                                            down at the dish edge
 > AIPS 1:                                       The dish diameter is given
 > AIPS 1:                                       at the INFILE (antenna 1)
 > AIPS 1:                                       4 => Gaussian beam with
 > AIPS 1:                                            given BMAJ, BMIN, BPA
 > AIPS 1:                                            in degrees
 > AIPS 1:                                       5 => Gaussian beam with
 > AIPS 1:                                         variable BMAJ, BPA
 > AIPS 1:                                         depending on the time
 > AIPS 1:                                       .GT.0 =>Multiply the model
 > AIPS 1:                                       by the primary beam.
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => Not multiply the
 > AIPS 1:                                       model by the primary beam.
 > AIPS 1:                                    7: Time tolerance, in minutes
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => 1
 > AIPS 1:                                       If the difference  of the
 > AIPS 1:                                       current and  previous time
 > AIPS 1:                                       is < the time tolerance,
 > AIPS 1:                                       the pointing error or the
 > AIPS 1:                                       phase of the antenna or
 > AIPS 1:                                       primary beam parameters
 > AIPS 1:                                       are not changed
 > AIPS 1:                                    8: Shift the UV data by
 > AIPS 1:                                       RASHIFT, DECSHIFT?
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => yes shift
 > AIPS 1:                                       1 => no shift
 > AIPS 1:                                    9: Range of the primary beam
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => 2.5
 > AIPS 1:                                   10: If OUTFILE.NE.BLANK then
 > AIPS 1:                                       0 => calculate OUTFILE and
 > AIPS 1:                                            exit
 > AIPS 1:                                       1 => calculate OUTFILE and
 > AIPS 1:                                            carry out the rest of
 > AIPS 1:                                            job
 > AIPS 1: BMAJ          0                    FWHM major axis of the
 > AIPS 1:                                    Gaussian primary beam, degree
 > AIPS 1:                                    See help for the variable
 > AIPS 1:                                    primary beam (BPARM(6)=5)
 > AIPS 1: BMIN          0                    FWHM minor axis of the
 > AIPS 1:                                    gaussian primary beam, degree
 > AIPS 1: BPA           0                    Position angle of Gaussian
 > AIPS 1:                                    primary beam, degree
 > AIPS 1: DO3DIMAG     -1                    1 => use W term calculating
 > AIPS 1:                                         visibilities (only if
 > AIPS 1:                                         CMETHOD='DFT', and
 > AIPS 1:                                         CMODEL ='COMP')
 > AIPS 1:                                    0 => no W term calculating
 > AIPS 1:                                         visibilities

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