[daip] Coordinate conversion

Tracy Clarke (Foreign National) tracy.clarke at nrl.navy.mil
Tue Nov 27 16:21:42 EST 2007


I've got a pipeline where I am imaging regions of the sky and I need to 
check the images to see if a known RA and DEC are within the image. If 
they are within the image I want to continue processing that and if not I 
want to move on to the next source. I tried converting to pixel 
coordinates using COPIXEL but that does not have an error trap so if the 
source is not in the field it ends the pipeline. I see that QIMVAL does 
have the error test but I need to have the input to that in pixxy format 
first. Is there another task that I can use to test if an RA and DEC are 
within the image? Thanks!

Dr. Tracy Clarke
Research Astronomer
Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7213
Phone: (202) 404-4297
Fax: (202) 404-8894

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