[daip] TPMON problem

shoshana rosenthal shoshana at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Mar 8 15:38:38 EST 2007


We are having problems with starting TPMON.
It seems that when we mount a tape remotely it works only 
one time. When we try again to use the same remote tape
we get errors.
If we login as user aips kill the TPMONs and
restart START_TPSERVERS everything works again.
However if root or another user tries to do the same, kill the TPMONs
and restart START_TPSERVERS we get the following error.

TPMON1: error while loading shared libraries: libsvml.so: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

Do you know what the problem might be?



-------------- next part --------------
Remarks by DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe 2004 Democratic National Convention
Site Selection Announcement	

Story Filed: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 2:24 PM EST 

WASHINGTON, Nov 13, 2002 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The following are
remarks by DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe announcing the 2004 Democratic
National Convention site selection, as prepared for delivery: 

"Good afternoon. Today marks the first day of the 2004 presidential
campaign, as we choose the stage from which we will present our national
ticket -- our party's standard bearers -- a year and a half from now. 

"I want to start by thanking the members of the Site Advisory Committee, led
by co-chairs Joe Andrew and Alice Huffman, for their hard work and their
commitment to this process. They had productive site visits; they've had
thorough discussions; they've fully analyzed each proposal. I am proud to
accept their recommendation today. 

"I also want to thank the four cities that bid on the convention. Each
submitted an impressive proposal; each brought tremendous assets to the
table; and each is a great American city. 

"But the choice for the Democrats in 2004 is the city of Boston. The
committee has concluded that we should bring our national Democratic
showcase to the shining city on the Hill. 

"Boston has assembled the complete package: strong leadership ... deep
commitment from political, civic and business leaders ... and first-rate
facilities. Mayor Tom Menino, working with Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator
John Kerry and others like State Senator Diane Wilkerson, has rallied the
city behind this effort. They have indeed convinced us that they will do
more in 2004. 

"And they have done plenty throughout their history. For nearly 400 years,
Boston has been a magnet for millions of people in search of opportunity and
a better life, men and women with a profound faith that the future is always
rich with possibilities. The Democratic Party has that same abiding faith,
and that's why it's appropriate that we bring our message of optimism,
promise and inclusion to the city of Boston beginning on July 26, 2004. 

"From the earliest patriots escaping religious persecution to the new
immigrants in pursuit of higher learning ... from the family in search of
life-saving medical treatments to the celebrations of heritage in Boston's
historic neighborhoods ... Boston is a city that answers the call. 

"Perhaps no city better embodies the American spirit. From the Boston Tea
Party, to Paul Revere's midnight ride, to the Battle of Bunker Hill ... the
story of Boston is the story of America's struggle for freedom. It is the
birthplace of American patriotism and an ideal backdrop for an affirmation
of Democratic values. 

"But this selection is more about Boston's present and future than its past.
Home to 68 colleges and universities, it is a world-class education center.
It boasts state-of-the-art medical institutions and research centers. It is
a national leader in technology, venture capital and other 21st century
industries. And as a majority-minority city that people from around the
world call home, Boston is a city that draws its strength from its

"And quite simply, Boston put together the most solid bid in every possible

-- including transportation, hotels and a first-rate facility in the Fleet

Center. The financial package includes over $20 million in cash from private
sources, the first time a city ever put money on the table before being
awarded the convention. And the city is guaranteeing the rest of the $49.5
million commitment, which puts us on a fiscally sound footing. 

"Finally, Boston has never hosted a major national party convention. We felt
that its time was long overdue, and we're proud to help this great city make
history. Maybe we can even set a trend and help Boston end another long

-- a Democratic convention for Boston and a World Series Championship for

Red Sox ... all in the same year. 

"I am looking forward to working with Mayor Menino and Boston's great
community leaders as we launch this project together. I know we will put on
an event that reaps great dividends for both of us. And I believe firmly
that Boston will be Democrats' launching pad, the first stop on the road to
the White House for the 44th President of the United States." 


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