[daip] aips woes

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 8 15:32:36 EDT 2007

Mike Bell writes:
 > no, that appears to be the only problem.  i agree that i have never once
 > used the tek server, but i don't understand how you operate without the
 > message server.  how do you find the status of a task without it?
If there is no message server the messages come to the xterm which
launched the task.  That can be confusing but many users around here
prefer it and kill their msgserver after it starts up (or set an
environment variable to prevent it even starting up).  I am a bit
concerned that you may have trouble running ordinary tasks too - try

go mandl
go disku

Is there perhaps a permissions problem with these library files?

Eric Greisen

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