[daip] TKPL on PowerBook G4

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 12 15:44:09 EDT 2007

Farhad Zadeh writes:

 > I have a version of aips working on my PowerBook G4 Mac laptop.
 > I have been using it for a while but one thing that
 > badly needs to be  fixed  is the TKPL fonts that show up as 
 > squares and I can't see any text or numbers on any plots that I display 
 > using TKPL. 
 > Is there a quick fix? I have another MacBook but  does not have this 
 > problem. I appreciate your help, as usual.

this is out of my hands - we depend on the terminal emulation program
in the computer to emulate a TeK correctly.  Clearly you have
different emulations in the different computers.  To quote the help
file TEKSRV:

   You can choose which terminal emulator to use by setting the
   AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR environment variable before starting AIPS.  The
   terminal emulator should support Tektronix-compatible graphics.

So you could try other choices than xterm if you have them.

Eric Greisen

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