[daip] one more suggestion...

Elias Brinks E.Brinks at herts.ac.uk
Wed Dec 12 13:34:23 EST 2007

HI Eric,

One more thought. Michael Rupen, in one of his e-mails to me, stated:

* According to Barry:
   > The theoretical law, and I would be astounded if it were not  
   > followed, is that the complex amplitude in channel n is
   >   1+a*exp(2*i*pi*(2*n-1)*W*w)
   > where W is the channel width, in, say, Mhz
   > w is the usual w expressed in, say, microseconds
   > a is a channel dependent constant that I'm sure Mike Revnell  
could supply,
   >   being the ratio of the transmission at f0-(n-0.5)*W to that at
   >   f0+(n-0.5)*W.

Now, apparently this behaviour is sort of seen in the spectra, but not
exactly. But, it DOES suggest some functional behaviour and it
would seem that it might be an option to fit something resembling
the above function in UVLSF rather than a polynomial. Presumably,
such a function is less likely to "go wild". Have you ever considered  
Would it be an option?



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