[daip] FITLD

Thomas Krichbaum tkrichbaum at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Mon Aug 20 12:41:05 EDT 2007

Dear Aips-Support,

we just started to analyse experiments BE050(A-J), which was observed
at 22,43 and 86 GHz (dual pol, 512Mbit/s). 

After FITLD and VLBAFIX each of the 3 frequencies was split into 
2 subbands with 2 IFs. So instead of the expected 3 outfiles
(one for each frequency) we got 6 output files, two of them containing
just half of the recorded bandwith.

eg. at 43 GHz:
file 1:  IF1, IF2
file 2:  IF3, IF4

What is the proper procedure to combine these two separate data files, 
each with 2 IFs into one single data file, which should contain all 4 IFs. We tried
DBCON, but this seems not to work.

regards, Thomas

Thomas P. Krichbaum                       
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie 
Auf dem Hügel 69                        
D-53121 Bonn / Germany

Tel. :  (Germany +49)-228-525-295
Fax :  (Germany +49)-228-525-229
e-mail: tkrichbaum at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
URL:   http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/tkrichbaum

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