[daip] Strange behaviour of CALIB

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 13 10:27:16 EDT 2007

I do not entirely know what to suggest.  Comments:

1. It is not a good idea to load up data over very long time ranges.
The times in your data are 404 days - so the least bit in the
recording of time is rather large.

2. Your data set is a product of UVCOP.  When you run UVCOP it can
flag data but when ot copies SU and SN tables it does not delete any
sources and, in the latter case, keeps any entries in TIMERANG.
The data at 17:54 presumably came originally from data which have now
been deleted - or perhaps a different FQ or a different IF.

3. The SN table seems to be messed up in that source 2 (CASA) appears
as a calibrator.  I suggest that you delete SN table 1.  Then run
CALIB with sourc = ' '; calcode = '*'.  This will make an SN table
with gain entries for all calibrators.  Then you can run GETJY to
bring the gains onto the same scale by adjusting the secondary's

Eric Greisen

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