[daip] curious happenings

Lawrence Rudnick larry at astro.umn.edu
Sat Oct 28 10:10:03 EDT 2006

Eric - some curious happenings, keeping me from making all sky maps.  
advice welcome.

I have 2326 reduced down NVSS images  (x2, one for polarized flux, one 
for total intensity).  If I try to make flatn maps of some area 
(1024x1024 at 240"/pixel, e.g.) , it sets up the full field correctly 
(as can be verified by putting it up on the tv and doing tvlabel), but 
it only fills in the actual images very partially, as if it's not 
finding the data.  If I center at RA 12h; DEC 25deg, for example, the 
lowest dec information actually included is about 26deg.  If i center at 
RA 12, Dec -10, I get a tiny strip at the top end of the field, and 
nothing else.

This may or may not be related to another curiosity.  If I do an mcat 
with doalpha=-1 on the directory where images are, everything looks 
fine,  2326 entries x2, with one or two little oddball extra files.  If 
I do an mcat with doalpha=1, then it messes up the order of the images 
(in non-alphabetical ways).  For example, the P images stop listing at 
field number 1536, then it moves to I fields, (which themselves have 
gaps that are filled in later) and then to P, etc.

For your edification, I enclose a script where I captured the mca listings.

I have also put a gzipped tar file of the 2326 I images (64 pixels on a 
side) on the aoc ftp site under /ftp/staff/lrudnick

advice most welcome.  thanks.  lr

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