[daip] correction on (uncorrected) FLATN

Lawrence Rudnick larry at astro.umn.edu
Wed Nov 15 21:45:14 EST 2006

Eric - I sent you an email earlier today saying the *uncorrected* FLATN 
in 31DEC06 was working on my new dataset with 1378 images.  I now have 
to take that back.  When I made an image centered (very close to ) 90deg 
galactic latitude, extending down to 50deg, FLATN worked *mostly* fine, 
but didn't find any images around 80-85deg.  So I thought they must just 
be missing.  However, I just went through my OHGEO procedure with all 
1378 maps and the 80-85deg fields are there, so it's another instance of 
FLATN not finding everything.  (but a most curious example).

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