[daip] install.pl - changing compiler options

Vincent McIntyre Vince.McIntyre at atnf.csiro.au
Wed May 3 04:13:43 EDT 2006


I encountered a problem with building AIPS with the Solaris compilers,
so I wanted to change to g77/gcc.
Changing FORT, CCOM, or LINK interactively (at screen 10A) works, but
changing FORTOPT or CCOMOPT apparently does not.

I think this is because install.pl reads the input as $fo, stuffs
it into $FORTOPT or $CCOMOPT but then loops back to SCREEN_10A:,
so it never updates the displayed version of this information,
in $FORTSTR or $CCOMSTR. This means the user will get confused about
what the compiler flags are actually set to.

It looks like it should either go back all the way to SCREEN_10,
or the SCREEN_10A line should move from line 2019 to 1973 or so.
I tried the latter and it seemed to work. See patch attached.

Meanwhile, the problem with the solaris compilers seems to have gone

Vincent McIntyre                                vmcintyr at atnf.csiro.au
Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO     voice:+61-2-9372-4643
PO Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, AUSTRALIA             fax:+61-2-9372-4442
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