[daip] ATLOD in AIPS

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 29 10:49:58 EST 2006

Preeti Kharb writes:

 > I am trying to reduce ATCA data using AIPS. This needed the program ATLOD
 > which is not present in the regular AIPS package. I did get hold of the
 > "ATLOD.FOR" file, but didnt know where to place it in the AIPS
 > subdirectories (I use the AIPS 31DEC04 version on a Solaris workstation).
 > Can you please advise ?

I have no idea actually - they are going it alone on this issue.  I
would put it in $APGNOT and try a COMLNK $APGNOT/ATLOD.

Eric Greisen

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