[daip] explain shift

Lorant Sjouwerman lsjouwer at nrao.edu
Tue Mar 21 10:58:54 EST 2006

it says
of a sin-projection image.  Use IMXY to give you RA and Dec and then
compute the shifts as:
         SHIFT(1) = cos (Dec_0) * (RA - RA_0)
         SHIFT(2) = Dec - Dec_0
in arc seconds.  The _0 refers to the reference coordinate.
which is correct if one doesn't forget to multiply shift(1) or RA and
RA_0 by 15 ["/s], though I think most people will forget; maybe it
should be added as a reminder.. Anyway


Loránt Sjouwerman - Scientific Services - lsjouwerman at nrao.edu
c/o NRAO Array Operations Center       Phone:  +1-505-835-7332
     P.O. Box 0 (1003 Lopezville Rd)    Switch: +1-505-835-7000
     Socorro NM 87801                   Fax:    +1-505-835-7027

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