[daip] IFs and Channels

Shea D. Brown brown at astro.umn.edu
Tue Jun 20 17:31:49 EDT 2006

    I am reducing a multisource Westerbork data set with AIPS 31DEC06, and
I have a question.  My data has 8 IFs with 32 Channels per IF.

1: Is there any way to relabel the data so that AIPS thinks I have 256 IFs
   with one channel each?

2: If I can do this, will tasks such as SETJY and LPCAL that work per IF do
   the right thing with so many IFs?

My problem is that I need to calibrate polarization leakage terms, and
with westerbork they vary across a 10 MHz wide IF by about 2-3%.  Any
suggestions would be much appreciated.  Thank you for your time.

Shea Brown
University of Minnesota
Department of Astronomy

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