[daip] Oddity in FLATN

rlaing at eso.org rlaing at eso.org
Thu Jun 1 07:20:38 EDT 2006

I recently had occasion to run FLATN on images produced from a uv dataset
precessed to J2000 from B1950 using UVFIX. I noticed that the central pixel
coordinate was way off (no shift had been applied). I think this is because I
had COORDINA = 0 and FLATN took the observed RA and Dec, in B1950, and
interpreted it as if it were J2000. Work-around was to put the correct J2000
coordinates in manually via COORDINA.

Would it be possible for FLATN to precess the observed position in such cases?



Prof Robert Laing
European ALMA Instrument Scientist

European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
D-85748 Garching-bei-Muenchen

Telephone (direct)     (+49) 89 3200 6625
           (secretary)                6631/6234/6678
Fax                                  6611

rlaing at eso.org

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