[daip] AIPS message server

Andy Biggs adb at roe.ac.uk
Wed Feb 1 04:14:05 EST 2006

Hi there. I just ran a MNJ (first time perhaps since the new year) and 
noticed a comment in the email about removal of quotes in the sections 
that start the TEKSRV and MSGSRV. I'm not sure if the site that you knew 
needed the quotes was ours, but we seem to need them as well as the 
servers stopped working. If I uncomment the original lines in XASERVERS 
and UNIXSERVERS everything works fine.

What happens if I run a midnight job again? Will my servers stop working 
every time and the uncommenting have to be re-done? I've actually made the 
changes in copies of XASERVERS and UNIXSERVERS that live in my 
LINUX/SYSTEM/ATCHAR directory with the idea that those become my personal 
copies and aren't affected by the MNJ.


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