[daip] help!!!!!

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Dec 13 12:08:38 EST 2006

$AKo4+:C(B writes:
 > hi,
 > I'm a Chinese student majored in astrophysics. I've met a problem in using AIPS. I'll try to present my problem as clearly as possible:
 > I have a data set(14 IF) from an EVN observation and one(1 IF) from simultanious MERLIN observation.In order to combine them together using AIPS task "DBCON", I did phase calibration for them seperately at first. Then I used the task "AVSPC" to average all the 14 IF into be one to correspond the MERLIN data. Howerver, the AIPS task "UVPLT","VPLOT" or "Listr" which can display the uv data give me the run error message of "DGINIT: DATA FOR CHANNELS  1 TO   1 UNAVAILABLE IN UV FILE" when I was checking the "SUB SP" file.
 > Maybe I have to make a little change in the header of the "SUB SP" file using verb "PUTHEAD"? But which part to change?
 > Thank you so much for any helpful answers ~~~~ The time is really  pressing and it is very important to me. Many many thanks!

It would be helpful for us to examine the output of the verb IMHEAD on
the AVSPC output.  It appears to say that the frequency axis has 0
points on it so that there are actually no data whasoever from AVSPC.

The inputs you used to AVSPC would also be good for us to look at.

May I suggest that you use a more AIPS-specific subject line.  We
receive a lot of spam and a subject such as you chose might be deleted
as spam without looking.

Eric Greisen

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