[daip] 31DEC06 LINUX midnite job (dave, 20060824.034355)

aipsmgr at nrao.edu aipsmgr at nrao.edu
Wed Aug 23 23:45:38 EDT 2006

dave update report for 31DEC06 on Thu Aug 24 03:45:38 UTC 2006 (UT)

Copies and compiles:

AIPSUPD - Using CVS for copying files.
UPDCVS - cvs update of 31DEC06 completed
UPDCVS - cvs update of TEXT completed
AIPSUPD - UPDCVS apparently worked


UPDCONTROL - Everything seems in order


UPDCOMRPL: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC06/LINUX/UPDATE


23-AUG-2006 19:51:48 20060823 TST APGOOP   CCEDT.FOR     egreisen
23-AUG-2006 21:00:04 20060823 TST YPGNOT   IBLED.FOR     egreisen

UPDCOMLNK: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC06/LINUX/UPDATE

UPDCONTROL - Reasons for file updates on Thu Aug 24 03:44:16 UTC 2006 (UT)

23-AUG-2006 19:51:41 20060823 TST APGOOP   CCEDT.FOR     no workee on auto splitting
23-AUG-2006 20:59:50 20060823 TST YPGNOT   IBLED.FOR     dies if error bar off plot
23-AUG-2006 21:01:46 20060823 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    several

CHANGE.DOC entries:

        Moved nowhere - went to patch 31DEC05 23 Aug 2006.
        Moved nowhere, went to patch 31DEC05 23 Aug 2006.
        Moved nowhere, went to patch 31DEC05 23 Aug 2006.
12164.  August 22, 2006        KNTR, RGBLEVS               Eric
        KNTR: Fixed positioning of RGBLEVS line when there is a step
              wedge at the top.  Added comments at each contour level
              so that the user can find each level at the places
              (plural usually but not too many) where it occurs.
        KNTR: Added comment about contour level comments to the help
        RGBLEVS: created a help file.
        Moved nowhere.

12165.  August 23, 2006            CCEDT                     Eric
        Changed the automatic boxing code a bit more - removing an
        infinite loop situation occasioned by the old code combined
        with the newer code which reduced the amount that DX and DY
        are adjusted in each cycle.  Dropped error messages for things
        that are really not errors.  Note however that CCEDT
        automatic code gets different answers than it used to.
        Moved nowhere, went to patch 31DEC05 23 Aug 2006.

12166.  August 23, 2006             IBLED                    Eric
        Found an error in which the window limits were computed as if
        IYP(1) < IYP(2) immediately following a computation  that had
        them opposite!  This caused error bars on phase plots to
        produce TV errors killing the task.
        Moved nowhere, went to patch 31DEC05 23 Aug 2006.

12167.  August

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