[daip] remote tape mounts in AIPS

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Aug 4 16:25:56 EDT 2006

shoshana rosenthal writes:

 > We have been using remote tape mounting successfully.
 > However after not using it for a while Alice tried to 
 > mount an exabyte tape remotely and it failed.
 > She is on rglinux3 and trying to mount a tape on rglinux5.
 > The error message on rglinux3 is
 > >inp mount
 > AIPS 4: MOUNT:    Verb to software mount a tape
 > AIPS 4: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
 > AIPS 4: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 > AIPS 4: INTAPE        4                    Tape unit # (0=> 1)
 > AIPS 4: DENSITY    6250                    Density to set on mount.
 > AIPS 4: REMHOST    'RGLINUX5'                 Remote computer name
 > AIPS 4: REMTAPE       1                    Remote tape drive number
 > >mount
 > ZVTPX2 READ HEADER ERROR: Connection reset by peer
 > AIPS 4: ZERROR: IN ZMOUNR ERRNO = 1 (Operation not permitted)
 > >
 > The error message on rglinux5 is 
 > ZVTPO3: permission REFUSED for host rglinux3 (
 > ---------------------
 > RGLINUX3 is in the TPHOSTS file on rglinux5.
 > TPMON is running
 > The security levels have not been changed.
 > Do you know what the problem might be?

You could check $NET0/TPHOSTS.LIST - the refused message tells me that
the TPMON thought that is not allowed.  I am a little
suprised that that produces an errno=1, but who knows?  The reset by
peer might also be that it opened and ecided against allowing.  Note
that tPMON used to be open to the world - a true Trojan Horse that I
once used to copy a file from India.  But we closed it by giving you
control of who is allowed.

Eric Greisen

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