[daip] AIPS problem

Jose' Manuel Afonso jafonso at oal.ul.pt
Mon Oct 31 09:50:38 EST 2005

Dear AIPS,
I am trying to install AIPS in my AMD 64bit (turion) laptop, still without 
knowing if it will work or not. I would like to know if you have any 
experience with AIPS in similar machines, and for advice on how to best 
proceed. Is the binary installation possible, or would it be better 
(allowing to better take advantage of the processor) to do a text 

So far, I have tried a rsync installation (of your normal linux 
pre-compiled AIPS), but have run into a problem which I think is not 
related with the architecture and am consulting the local system manager 
about it. In any case, below is a copy of the AIPS Wizard output, just if 
you want to know...

thank you very much
Jose Afonso

AipsWiz:  =====> Generate system files via FILAIP/POPSGN...
AipsWiz: This will generate some output, including a copyright (left)
AipsW/usr/local/aips/31DEC05/LINUX/LIBR/INTELCMPiz: statement and some 
prompts, but should end with a 'Done!' if
AipsWiz: everything worked...

AipsWiz: About to run FILAIP.  If this is a re-installation, you
AipsWiz: will be prompted for an AIPS Manager password.  The
AipsWiz: default password is AMANAGER

Data disk assignments:
   (Using global default file /usr/local/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST for 
    Disk 1 (1) is /home/aips/DATA/TURION_3
    Disk 2 (2) is /home/aips/DATA/TURION_2
    Disk 3 (3) is /home/aips/DATA/TURION_1

Starting up FILAIP (RELEASE OF 31DEC05)
/usr/local/aips/31DEC05/LINUX/LOAD/FILAIP.EXE: error while loading shared 
libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory
AipsWiz: Error: FILAIP did not work, or there's a missing file!
AipsWiz: Error: This may mean that FILAIP did not work (it should have
AipsWiz: Error: created it and many other files in that area).
AipsWiz: Error: You can try running it by hand after (a) dotting the
AipsWiz: Error: LOGIN.SH file or sourcing the LOGIN.CSH file; and
AipsWiz: Error: (b) Typing 'RUN FILAIP'.  You will then be asked for
AipsWiz: Error: two parameters.  Use
8 2

AipsWiz: Error: as the standard values.
AipsWiz: Error: You will also have to RUN POPSGN if that works;

AipsWiz: Error: Feed it


AipsWiz: Error: when it asks for Idebug, etc. and press RETURN when
AipsWiz: Error: you see the '>' prompt.

AipsWiz: Install Wizard stopping.  Current settings saved in ~/.AIPSRC
AipsWiz: Abandoning ship!  Goodbye.

  Jose' Manuel Afonso                     #
  Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics   #  Tels: +351 21 361 67 45
  Observatorio Astronomico de Lisboa      #        +351 21 361 67 30
  Edificio Leste, Tapada da Ajuda         #  Fax:  +351 21 361 67 52
  1349-018 Lisboa, Portugal               #  E-mail: jafonso at oal.ul.pt
  http://www.oal.ul.pt/~jafonso           #

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