[daip] problem w/ exabit connection

Dr. Sylvie F. Beaulieu sbeaulieu at phy.ulaval.ca
Mon Oct 24 19:02:59 EDT 2005

Quebec, 24.October.2005


I am having problems with AIPS connecting to our exabit drive.

I may have made a mistake in setting up the tapedrive files

When I am outside of AIPS, I can easily do "mt rew" etc... on the tape.
So, the Sun system can see the tapedrive OK.

The tapedrive is attached to a Sun station called andromede. 

I did fill-in the info about the tapes in the two files:


ANDROMEDE  /dev/rmt/1     exabit
ANDROMEDE  /dev/rmt/0     dat

but I still get an "error 8" which, in the AIPS_MSGRV
window translate to:
"ZTPOPN unable to translate logical name AMT01
ERROR trying to top tape"

so, it does not see the tapedrive 1 but when I start aips,
it says that Tape 1 is /dev/rmt/1 on ANDROMEDE

so maybe it just reads properly the TPDEVS.LIST but
does not understand where /dev/rmt/1 is really. I suspect
it is the way I wrote down the TPHOSTS file.

Is there more than these two files that need to be
set? and have I set them up properly?

Best regards,


        Astronome - Dr. Sylvie F. Beaulieu - Astronomer

Universite Laval                 Email : sbeaulieu at phy.ulaval.ca
Dept. de physique                Off.  : (418) 656-2131 ext: 2472
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon        Sec   : (418) 656-2652
Quebec, (Quebec)                 Fax   : (418) 656-2040
Canada  G1K 7P4


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