[daip] Re: DADEVS.LIST

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu May 26 10:49:04 EDT 2005

Mark Holdaway writes:

 > I updated AIPS on my laptop, thinking that it would reconfigure
 > things in a similar way -- well, my DADEVS.LIST file got blown away,
 > and my DESKTOP installation doesn't have that file ---
 > could you send me an example DADEVS.LIST file that I can munge into shape?

The update does not do this unless you are updating in some way
unknown to me.  Your desktop installation cannot run without a dadevs
file of some sort.  In aips this can be messy - you are allowed to
have a "private" version ~/.dadevs, a version in the $DA00 area for
your machine ($AIPS_ROOT/DA00/<hostname>), and the standard one
in $AIPS_ROOT/DA00.  And that one can be DADEVS.LIST.<sitename> or
just plain DADEVS.LIST.  We actually use both here - the former
DADEVS.LIST.COAOARN for linux boxes and DADEVS.LIST for solaris ones.

There is a sample DADEVS.LIST file in $SYSUNIX = 


Eric Greisen

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