[daip] Re: NGC 157

Lauren E. Davis ledavis at astro.ufl.edu
Fri Mar 11 16:39:40 EST 2005

Hello again,

I am attempting to combine two data sets using DBCON; one is a set 
of previosly combined CD data and the other is B array data.  Looking at 
the result of DBCON with PRTUV, what should be the combined BCD data,  the 
amplitudes go to zero after about 57000 visibilities, approximately the 
number of visibilities in the CD data.  I also notice that the 
correlators are labeled I, Q, U, V for the CD data, and there is only 
information for I and V.  The B data correlators are labeled RR LL RR LL, 
and there is information in all four columns.  Could this cause a problem?  
I don't even know at what point those labels are determined.  

Thanks for your help,

Lauren Davis

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