[daip] problem with AIPS++ and dish

Laura Hainline ljh at astro.caltech.edu
Tue Jan 11 17:47:10 EST 2005


I'm having some sort of problem with AIPS++/DISH that I can't figure out.

I am trying to run AIPS++/DISH on the Green Bank UNIX system, while logged
in remotely. (I am logged in to Green Bank from my computer at Caltech)
(AIPS++ is not working at Caltech, which is another problem entirely that
I can tell you about, so I'm trying to reduce my data on a Green Bank

I have used "ssh -X" to log in to Green Bank, but when I try to start DISH
after logging in, the startup fails with the following message:

[lhainlin at prospero ~]$ gbdish
Sourcing: ,stable/aipsinit.sh
AIPS++ Version 1.9 Build 819
X Error of failed request:  BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  20 (X_GetProperty)
  Atom id in failed request:  0x283
  Serial number of failed request:  10
  Current serial number in output stream:  10
"glishtk.g", line 155: warning, event glishtk.fail (<task:2>) dropped
Adding the aips++ libexec directory to the include path failed.
You might want to exit and try again.

I successfully ran DISH at Green Bank when I was there in December, and I
have not changed anything regarding the setup since then. The only thing
different is that I'm trying to run it over a network connection.

Can you help with this?

The problem I'm having with AIPS++/DISH at Caltech is the following: I can
start up AIPS++ and dish without trouble, but when I try to use "d.import"
to make a measurement set from the fits files (on the local disk), I get
the following message on the xterm window:

<fail>: The filler on project directory
/scr5/ljh/GBT_Nov2004/nov29data/AGBT02C_050_01 failed
        File:   note.g, Line 59
        Stack:    throw(), mydish_gbtuts.gp line 235

And in my Log Messages window, I see the following error message:

A TAI_UTC table has been read that seems corrupted
Notify the AIPS++ system manager about it
Caught an exception! Event type=run exception=Tue Jan 11 22:36:33 2005
SEVERE MeasIERS::getTable(Table &, TableRecord &, ROTableRow &,
RORecordFieldPtr<Double> *, String &vs, Double &dt, Int N, const String *,
const String &, const String &, const String &) (file
/aips++/stable/code/aips/implement/Measures/MeasIERS.cc, line 329):
A TAI_UTC table has been read that seems corrupted
Notify the AIPS++ system manager about it
The filler on project directory
/scr5/ljh/GBT_Nov2004/nov29data/AGBT02C_050_01 failed

So, I asked our local systems administrator to look in to this, and he
downloaded a new copy of the currently-in-use TAI-UTC table from an NRAO
website. But I still receive the same error messages when I try to load my
data into AIPS++. So, both the system administrator and I are clueless
about what to do. By the way, the version of AIPS++ that we have at
Caltech is the following: AIPS++ version 1.9 (build #615), with Glish
version 2.7.

Can you please help?  Or could you refer me to someone who would be able
to help?

Thanks so much, and I'm sorry I had to bother you with all this!
-Laura Hainline

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