[daip] 31DEC05 LINUX midnite job (dave, 20050817.034334)

aipsmgr at aoc.nrao.edu aipsmgr at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Aug 16 23:44:00 EDT 2005

dave update report for 31DEC05 on Wed Aug 17 03:44:00 UTC 2005 (UT)

Copies and compiles:

AIPSUPD - Using CVS for copying files.
UPDCVS - cvs update of 31DEC05 completed
UPDCVS - cvs update of TEXT completed
AIPSUPD - UPDCVS apparently worked


UPDCONTROL - Everything seems in order


UPDCOMRPL: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC05/LINUX/UPDATE


16-AUG-2005 17:48:04 20050816 TST APGNOT   BOXES.FOR     egreisen
16-AUG-2005 16:47:10 20050816 TST APGNOT   FACES.FOR     egreisen
16-AUG-2005 17:48:03 20050816 TST APGNOT   FIXBX.FOR     egreisen
16-AUG-2005 16:47:12 20050816 TST APGNOT   SETFC.FOR     egreisen

UPDCOMLNK: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC05/LINUX/UPDATE

UPDCONTROL - Reasons for file updates on Wed Aug 17 03:43:48 UTC 2005 (UT)

16-AUG-2005 17:47:50 20050816 TST APGNOT   FIXBX.FOR     rashift adverbs
16-AUG-2005 17:47:51 20050816 TST APGNOT   BOXES.FOR     rashift adverbs
16-AUG-2005 17:47:52 20050816 TST HLPFIL   FIXBX.HLP     rashift adverbs
16-AUG-2005 17:47:53 20050816 TST HLPFIL   BOXES.HLP     rashift adverbs
16-AUG-2005 18:01:51 20050816 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    patches, fixbx et al

CHANGE.DOC entries:

        Moved to miranda this date, nowhere else.
        Moved to 31DEC04 16 August, nowhere else..
        Moved this fix only to 31DEC04 16 August, nowhere else.
        Moved to 31DEC04 16 August, nowhere else.
11907.  August 11-12, 2005          FITLD                  Eric
        (1) removed a large set of unused FORMATs.
        (2) Added code to recognize station Y with gain 1.0 as needing
        the Tant set to -1.0 rather than magic blank.  This tells
        later code that the Tsys is really Tsys/Tant (values less than
        1 rather than in 2 or 3 figures actually).
        (3) 8/12 changed to test sensitivity rather than gain curve
        since that is 1.0 frequently.
        Moved to 31DEC04 16 August, nowhere else.

11908.  August 16, 2005         BOXES, FIXBX               Eric
        IMAGR can also set boxes and fields with adverbs as well as a
        boxfile.  Changed:
        FACES  - Fixed bug in reading stars files
        SETFC  - Fixed bug in reading stars files
        BOXES  - dropped SHIFT adverb that was not used, added NFIELD,
                 RASHIFT, DECSHIFT, fixed bug reading stars files
                 NFIELD if > 0 controls the max number of facets no
                 matter what the BOXFILE contains.
        FIXBX  - Added NMAPS, NOISE, RBSIZE, NBOXES, CLBOX to describe
                 old imaging parameters along with INFILE, added
                 NFIELD, RASHIFT, DECSHIFT to describe new imaging
                 parameters along with BOXFILE.  Fixed incorrect
                 wording in help file.
        Moved nowhere.

11909.  August.

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