[daip] VTESS problems under g77 3.2.2

rlaing at eso.org rlaing at eso.org
Mon Nov 29 09:40:57 EST 2004

Dear AIPS group

I recently attempted to use VTESS under a version of 31DEC04 downloaded and
compiled on 2004 Jan 16 using g77/gcc 3.2.2 under Linux RH9. This failed
consistently on a number of datasets, giving 0 and NaN for step and gradient,
and always generating a flat image. Reverting to a VTESS.EXE compiled using
an older g77 under RH6.3 gave sensible results [I'll send fuller details if they
are of any use to you].

Would you recommend returning to gcc 2.95.3 or is there a known work-around for
3.2.2 (e.g. in a more recent incarnation of 31DEC04)?



Robert Laing
European ALMA Instrument Scientist

European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
D-85748 Garching-bei-Muenchen

Telephone (direct)     (+49) 89 3200 6625
          (secretary)                6631
Fax                                  6611

rlaing at eso.org

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