[daip] Re: xgaus problems

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Nov 12 15:51:13 EST 2004

I did not reply because I have been veryt busy and did not really know
what to say.  XGAUS has received no attention in years so the MNJ
issue is not relevant.  The main problem I suspect is that the Tek
emulations do not work all that well.  A couple of years ago I wrote
TV versions for the slice initial guess verbs to supplement the Tek
version of those.  I guess, for started, that xgaus should have a DOTV
option added with the display using the TV which is reliable.

Other than that I do not know what to suggest - I can look at the code
over the next few weeks and see if I find anything - perhaps do the
DOTV things which will force me to test it.

XGAUS really needs to be re-written with new methods allowing a table
to be created and gradually filled in, with all sorts of options to
return to portions, edit the table, etc.  In general, the level of
interest in Gaussian fitting has been too low to justify my time on

Eric Greisen

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