[daip] trouble reading VLA data in archival format into FILLM

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon May 24 13:04:22 EDT 2004

Ruth Daly writes:
 > Dear Eric,
 > OK.  Before sending you copies of the errors, I have a questions
 > on your ealier note.
 > >       Data areas in .dadevs, $NET0/DADEVS.LIST et al are for main data
 > >areas.  They are not a user disk directory per se and should not be
 > >used to hold random files of e.g. FITS format or archive format.  You
 > >may use any disk area but you must point at it properly
 > Does this mean that I am not supposed to be using the .dadevs in my
 > home directory?

    It is a legitimate usage - in fact aips searches first for
~/.dadevs, then $NET0/<hostname>/DADEVS.LIST, then for the
site-wide $NET0/DADEVS.LIST.<site>, and only then for the
$NET0/DADEVS.LIST.  All of these are used however to define data areas
for the main (internal) AIPS data files, not normally for extra files
such as input/output text and FITS files, VLA archive data etc.

 > >    in theis case INFILE='AO170_B30411.XP11' with no logical area
 > >defined at all and with too many 1's at the end of the name.
 > The file I received from my collaborator Chris O'Dea is called
 > AO170_B30411.XP11 with 2 "ones" at the end.  Are you telling
 > me that it was supposed to have only 1 "one" at the end?  He did
 > already run it through FILLM on his machine, but in order for me
 > to be able to read the output files back in, I need to run FILLM
 > on my machine to get the outfiles into the master catalogue.

   No - I typed in exactly what I wanted you to type (except that I
never use setenv and forgot to omit the =) - type one of the two 1's
and leave off the other for FILLM.  You may include both 1's for other
tasks which will try alternative names.  Note that the error message
you had said it could not fin ...111 (3 1's).

Eric Greisen

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