[daip] DBCON

Ian Pattison ip at ast.leeds.ac.uk
Wed Mar 31 09:42:49 EST 2004

I have a concatenated uv file (B and C VLA data) which I wish to convert
from 1950 to 2000 coordinates. UVFIX couldn't seem to handle this, so I
SPLIT the data into the individual files which were originally
concatenated. UVFIX was then run on each of these to covert from
1950-2000. The files were then joined back together with DBCON.

Looking at a clean map of the new data, point sources become smeared and
their peak position shifted slightly (~0.5 to 1 asec), and the effect
seems to be greater as a function of distance from the centre. I have put
a couple of maps of the same source in the original (1950) data and the
new DBCON data (2000). The files are named 12_3GOOD.PS and 12_3BAD.PS and
can be found at http://ast.leeds.ac.uk/~ip.

I would appreciate any feedback on this, particularly if this effect has 
been noticed before. 


Ian Pattison

 Ian Pattison 

 Astrophysics Group 
 School of Physics & Astronomy
 University of Leeds
 LS2 9JT
 United Kingdom

 Tel: +44 (0)113 3433872
 email: ip at ast.leeds.ac.uk
 WWW: http://ast.leeds.ac.uk/~ip


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