[daip] Could you help me?

Sang-Sung Lee sslee at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Fri Jun 11 12:52:15 EDT 2004

Dear whoever can help me,

I have  a problem in running the task VPLOT on AIPS.
To check the result from LPCAL, I want to see how the REAL-vs-IMAG plot 
change with dopol -1/+1.
I could plot those two  STOKES - POLPLOT configurations ;  RR-RR/LL, 
But for the others, such as RL-RL/LL(RR) and LR-LR/LL(RR), I always have 
the message written in the file.
I put in the attached file my input parameter of the task and the 
message from its running.

Best regards,
Sang-Sung Lee

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