[daip] Re: outfile

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Sat Jan 17 15:29:07 EST 2004

Lorant Sjouwerman, NRAO writes:
 > Hi Eric
 > is it possible to increase the maximum length of outfile?
 > For the archive I want to include a lot of info in the
 > file name (#channels, bandwidth '.FITS' etc etc ) and it
 > sometimes gets just over 48. 65 would be safe and plenty

No is the short answer.  To change an adverb - even to make it longer
- would require changing the version ID of the vocabulary which would
make everyone's LASTEXIT and other save/get files obsolete (they would
update noisily but automatically but require manual saving).  You are
telling me that you need file names longer than 46 characters?  That is
both absurd and on many systems not legal (the logical need only be
A:).  If you must - create link files.

Eric Greisen

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