[daip] Two on-line FILLMs on same machine -> trouble?

Michael Rupen mrupen at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Jul 16 09:37:05 EDT 2003

Good morning DAIP,

  I was running two on-line FILLMs on the same machine, which I suspect is
verboten.  In any case it didn't work, and I thought I'd report this, in case
it's supposed to :}  FILLM #1 was begun yesterday (15jul03) morning on verdi
[Linux box], at around 8am; FILLM #2, at around 9:30am.  FILLM #1 died saying it
didn't find any data, with an FLMCLS error on flushing output.   FILLM #2
worked perfectly, ending several hours after FILLM #1's demise.  According to
the VLA logs both projects were observed without any difficulties.  Off-line
FILLM, with the same inputs as FILLM #1 but version TST rather than ONLINE,
worked spiffily.

  I append (1) inputs and output for FILLM #1, (2) inputs and output for
FILLM #2 (search for #2 to jump there), and (3) inputs and output for off-line 
FILLM which correctly loaded data corresponding to FILLM #1 (search for
OFF-LINE to jump there).



* Started first
* Failed when it started actually loading data (about 9 hours later!),
    FILLM     No data found meeting selection criteria!
    FILLM     Purports to die of UNNATURAL causes
    FILLM     verdi        31DEC03 TST: Cpu=       0.0  Real=   36329
* The other FILLM sailed through this period and ran successfully until
  it finished this morning (16jul03) at 04:45am, many (11?) hours after
  FILLM #1 failed.

* inputs to FILLM #1:
  AIPS 2: Found in Version=ONLINE
  AIPS 2: FILLM     Task to read a VLA archive tape
  AIPS 2: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
  AIPS 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------
  AIPS 2: INTAPE        1                    Tape drive number
  AIPS 2: INFILE     '                                                '
  AIPS 2:                                    Non-blank: disk file name
  AIPS 2: NFILES        0                    Number of files to advance
  AIPS 2: BAND       '    '                  Freq. band (4,P,L,C,X,U,K,Q)
  AIPS 2: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier -1=>all
  AIPS 2: CALCODE    '    '                  Calibrator code
  AIPS 2: VLAOBS     'AK569 '                VLA obs. pgm. name ('AZ99')
  AIPS 2: VLAMODE    '  '                    VLA obs. mode ('  '=any)
  AIPS 2: REFDATE    '        '              Reference date. 'yyyymmdd'
  AIPS 2: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Timerange selected
  AIPS 2: BCHAN         1                    First spectral channel
  AIPS 2: ECHAN         0                    Highest spectral channel
  AIPS 2: OUTNAME    '            '          Output UV file name (name)
  AIPS 2: OUTSEQ        0                    Output UV file name (seq. #)
  AIPS 2: OUTDISK       1                    Output UV file disk unit #.
  AIPS 2: DOUVCOMP     -1                    1 (T) => compressed data
  AIPS 2: DOALL         1                    1 (T) => write all data.
  AIPS 2: DOCONCAT     -1                    1 (T) => append data to old
  AIPS 2:                                    files
  AIPS 2: NCOUNT        0                    Number of files to read
  AIPS 2: DOWEIGHT      1                    Use nominal sensitivity to
  AIPS 2:                                    scale weights?
  AIPS 2: DOACOR        0                    Load autocorrelation data?
  AIPS 2: CPARM         0           0        User options.
  AIPS 2:               0           0        1 => Avg. time (seconds)
  AIPS 2:               0           0        2 => bitmap    (see help)
  AIPS 2:               0           0.1667        = 16 for planets & Sun
  AIPS 2:               0           0        3 => Max. OK IF status
  AIPS 2:                                         <=3 => 3
  AIPS 2:                                    4 => Control dropping of
  AIPS 2:                                         shadowed data
  AIPS 2:                                         < 0 => no shadow check
  AIPS 2:                                         0 => 25 m limit
  AIPS 2:                                         > 0 => Shadow limit is
  AIPS 2:                                               CPARM(4) in meters
  AIPS 2:                                    5 = channel code (see HELP)
  AIPS 2:                                    6 => Subarray number-see HELP
  AIPS 2:                                    7 => FQ entry tolerance (kHz)
  AIPS 2:                                         (see HELP)
  AIPS 2:                                    8 => CL table time incr. min
  AIPS 2:                                    9 => TY table time incr. min
  AIPS 2:                                    10=> Calibrator avg. time
  AIPS 2: DPARM      *all 0                  Selection by Frequency
  AIPS 2:                                    1+2 => A Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    3+4 => B Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    5+6 => C Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    7+8 => D Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    9 => tolerance for A&C
  AIPS 2:                                    10 => tolerance for B&D
  AIPS 2: BPARM      *all 0                  Opacity and Gain curve
  AIPS 2:                                    control (see help)
  AIPS 2: IN2FILE    '                                                '
  AIPS 2:                                    Antenna gains file

* PRTMSG for FILLM #1:
   verdi     AIPS (31DEC03)     11     16-JUL-2003  07:06:37    Page    1
  Pops  Prior    Date        Time       Task          Messages for user   11
     2    5   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM     Task FILLM  (release of 31DEC03) begins
     2    4   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM     Shadow flag limit =  2.500E+01 meters.
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM     Opacity correction in CL table weighted average of weather and
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM        season.  Weight for weather = 0.50
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM     Gain curve correction in CL table read from file,
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM        with variation as function of antenna and band.
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  08:02:24     FILLM     Welcome to real-time FILLM!
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  08:02:35     FILLM     ZTPOP2: olopen -1
     2    5   15-JUL-2003  08:02:37     FILLM     tape file #  1, start date/time = 20030715/14:02:50
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  08:35:31     FILLM     ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  08:37:22     FILLM     ZTPMI2: olopen -1
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  08:48:11     FILLM     ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  08:50:02     FILLM     ZTPMI2: olopen -1
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  09:00:51     FILLM     ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  09:02:42     FILLM     ZTPMI2: olopen -1


     2    8   15-JUL-2003  12:05:10     FILLM     ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  12:06:50     FILLM     ZTPMI2: olopen -2
     2    2   15-JUL-2003  18:07:50     FILLM
     2    2   15-JUL-2003  18:07:50     FILLM     *** ATTENTION - default: loading subarray 1 ***
     2    2   15-JUL-2003  18:07:50     FILLM
     2    5   15-JUL-2003  18:07:50     FILLM     MCINI: Processing Correlator Code '    ' with  27 antennas.
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  18:07:50     FILLM     MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  18:07:53     FILLM     No data found meeting selection criteria!
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  18:07:53     FILLM     FLMCLS: ERROR   1 FLUSHING OUTPUT
     2    8   15-JUL-2003  18:07:53     FILLM     FLMCLS: ERROR OCCURED ON STREAM   1
     2    3   15-JUL-2003  18:07:53     FILLM     Purports to die of UNNATURAL causes
     2    5   15-JUL-2003  18:07:53     FILLM     verdi        31DEC03 TST: Cpu=       0.0  Real=   36329

* Screen capture for FILLM #1:
  bad recv status of: No such file or directory
  The aoc_clnt process has terminated unexpectedly.error on calling setitimer: Interrupted system call
  FILLM2: ZTPMI2: olopen -1
  FILLM2: ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
  bad recv status of: No such file or directory
  The aoc_clnt process has terminated unexpectedly.error on calling setitimer: Interrupted system call
  FILLM2: ZTPMI2: olopen -1
  FILLM2: ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
  FILLM2: ZTPMI2: olopen -2
  7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 63 62 64 63 65 64 66 65 67 66 68 67 69 68 70 69 71 70 72 71 74 72 75 73 76 74 77 75 78 76 79 77 80 78 82 79 84 80 85 81 86 82 87 83 88 84 89 85 90 86 91 87 92 88 93 89 94 90 95 91 96 92 97 93 98 94 99 95 100 96 101 97 102 98 103 99 104 100 105 101 106 102 107 103 108 104 109 105 
  138 2143 2139 2144 2140 2145 2141 2146 2142 2147 2143 2148 2144 2149 2145 2150 2146 2151 2147 2152 2148 2153 2149 2154 2150 2155 2151 2156 2152 2157 2153 2158 2154 2160 2161 2162 2162 2163 2163 2164 2164 2165 2165 2166 2166 2167 2167 2168 2168 2170 2169 2171 2170 2172 2171 2173 2172 2174 2173 2175 2174 2176 2175 2177 2176 FILLM2:
  FILLM2: *** ATTENTION - default: loading subarray 1 ***
  FILLM2: MCINI: Processing Correlator Code '    ' with  27 antennas.
  FILLM2: MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs
  2178 FILLM2: No data found meeting selection criteria!
  FILLM2: Purports to die of UNNATURAL causes
  FILLM2: verdi        31DEC03 TST: Cpu=       0.0  Real=   36329

* Started second
* Worked perfectly, ending many (11?) hours after FILLM #1 failed.
* Inputs to FILLM #2: identical to FILLM #1 except for INTAPE and VLAOBS

  AIPS 1: Found in Version=ONLINE
  AIPS 1: FILLM     Task to read a VLA archive tape
  AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
  AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
  AIPS 1: INTAPE        2                    Tape drive number
  AIPS 1: INFILE     '                                                '
  AIPS 1:                                    Non-blank: disk file name
  AIPS 1: NFILES        0                    Number of files to advance
  AIPS 1: BAND       '    '                  Freq. band (4,P,L,C,X,U,K,Q)
  AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier -1=>all
  AIPS 1: CALCODE    '    '                  Calibrator code
  AIPS 1: VLAOBS     'AR523 '                VLA obs. pgm. name ('AZ99')
  AIPS 1: VLAMODE    '  '                    VLA obs. mode ('  '=any)
  AIPS 1: REFDATE    '        '              Reference date. 'yyyymmdd'
  AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Timerange selected
  AIPS 1: BCHAN         1                    First spectral channel
  AIPS 1: ECHAN         0                    Highest spectral channel
  AIPS 1: OUTNAME    '            '          Output UV file name (name)
  AIPS 1: OUTSEQ        0                    Output UV file name (seq. #)
  AIPS 1: OUTDISK       1                    Output UV file disk unit #.
  AIPS 1: DOUVCOMP     -1                    1 (T) => compressed data
  AIPS 1: DOALL         1                    1 (T) => write all data.
  AIPS 1: DOCONCAT     -1                    1 (T) => append data to old
  AIPS 1:                                    files
  AIPS 1: NCOUNT        0                    Number of files to read
  AIPS 1: DOWEIGHT      1                    Use nominal sensitivity to
  AIPS 1:                                    scale weights?
  AIPS 1: DOACOR        0                    Load autocorrelation data?
  AIPS 1: CPARM         0           0        User options.
  AIPS 1:               0           0        1 => Avg. time (seconds)
  AIPS 1:               0           0        2 => bitmap    (see help)
  AIPS 1:               0           0.1667        = 16 for planets & Sun
  AIPS 1:               0           0        3 => Max. OK IF status
  AIPS 1:                                         <=3 => 3
  AIPS 1:                                    4 => Control dropping of
  AIPS 1:                                         shadowed data
  AIPS 1:                                         < 0 => no shadow check
  AIPS 1:                                         0 => 25 m limit
  AIPS 1:                                         > 0 => Shadow limit is
  AIPS 1:                                               CPARM(4) in meters
  AIPS 1:                                    5 = channel code (see HELP)
  AIPS 1:                                    6 => Subarray number-see HELP
  AIPS 1:                                    7 => FQ entry tolerance (kHz)
  AIPS 1:                                         (see HELP)
  AIPS 1:                                    8 => CL table time incr. min
  AIPS 1:                                    9 => TY table time incr. min
  AIPS 1:                                    10=> Calibrator avg. time
  AIPS 1: DPARM      *all 0                  Selection by Frequency
  AIPS 1:                                    1+2 => A Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 1:                                    3+4 => B Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 1:                                    5+6 => C Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 1:                                    7+8 => D Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 1:                                    9 => tolerance for A&C
  AIPS 1:                                    10 => tolerance for B&D
  AIPS 1: BPARM      *all 0                  Opacity and Gain curve
  AIPS 1:                                    control (see help)
  AIPS 1: IN2FILE    '                                                '
  AIPS 1:                                    Antenna gains file

* PRTMSG for FILLM #2:
  Note that the other FILLM ran successfully until it finished this morning
  (16jul03) at 4:45am:
     1    8   15-JUL-2003  12:02:36     FILLM     ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
     1    8   15-JUL-2003  12:04:18     FILLM     ZTPMI2: olopen -1
     1    8   15-JUL-2003  12:04:18     FILLM     ZTPMI2: End-of-data: try to reopen
     1    8   15-JUL-2003  12:06:09     FILLM     ZTPMI2: olopen -1
     1    5   15-JUL-2003  12:06:29     FILLM     tape file #  1, start date/time = 20030715/18:06:20
     1    2   16-JUL-2003  01:40:53     FILLM
     1    2   16-JUL-2003  01:40:53     FILLM     *** ATTENTION - default: loading subarray 1 ***
     1    2   16-JUL-2003  01:40:53     FILLM
     1    5   16-JUL-2003  01:40:53     FILLM     MCINI: Processing Correlator Code '    ' with  27 antennas.
     1    3   16-JUL-2003  01:40:53     FILLM     MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs
     1    3   16-JUL-2003  01:40:56     FILLM     Program = AR523 ; Tape revision number =   26.
     1    2   16-JUL-2003  01:40:56     FILLM     Create 20030716    .X BAND.   1 (UV)  on disk  1  cno  481
     1    4   16-JUL-2003  01:40:56     FILLM     Ref. date = 20030716 A-C =  8.435100 B-D =  8.485100 GHz
     1    6   16-JUL-2003  01:40:56     FILLM     FLMFQ: FQ entry tolerance =    1.000E+02   1.000E+02

  ...etc., all working as usual; and ending with

     1    4   16-JUL-2003  04:34:06     FILLM     Appending new data to: 20030716    .L BAND.  1 disk  1
     1    4   16-JUL-2003  04:34:06     FILLM     Found 0319+415        :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 10:34:20.0
     1    3   16-JUL-2003  04:34:16     FILLM     Zenith opacity set to 0.010
     1    5   16-JUL-2003  04:43:59     FILLM     Read    834848 visibilities from999 files
     1    3   16-JUL-2003  04:43:59     FILLM     Appears to have ended successfully

* Run with same inputs as FILLM #1, but version TST and from exabyte
* Inputs:
  AIPS 2: FILLM     Task to read a VLA archive tape
  AIPS 2: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
  AIPS 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------
  AIPS 2: INTAPE        3                    Tape drive number
  AIPS 2: INFILE     '                                                '
  AIPS 2:                                    Non-blank: disk file name
  AIPS 2: NFILES        0                    Number of files to advance
  AIPS 2: BAND       '    '                  Freq. band (4,P,L,C,X,U,K,Q)
  AIPS 2: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier -1=>all
  AIPS 2: CALCODE    '    '                  Calibrator code
  AIPS 2: VLAOBS     'AK569 '                VLA obs. pgm. name ('AZ99')
  AIPS 2: VLAMODE    '  '                    VLA obs. mode ('  '=any)
  AIPS 2: REFDATE    '        '              Reference date. 'yyyymmdd'
  AIPS 2: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Timerange selected
  AIPS 2: BCHAN         1                    First spectral channel
  AIPS 2: ECHAN         0                    Highest spectral channel
  AIPS 2: OUTNAME    '            '          Output UV file name (name)
  AIPS 2: OUTSEQ        0                    Output UV file name (seq. #)
  AIPS 2: OUTDISK       1                    Output UV file disk unit #.
  AIPS 2: DOUVCOMP     -1                    1 (T) => compressed data
  AIPS 2: DOALL         1                    1 (T) => write all data.
  AIPS 2: DOCONCAT     -1                    1 (T) => append data to old
  AIPS 2:                                    files
  AIPS 2: NCOUNT        0                    Number of files to read
  AIPS 2: DOWEIGHT      1                    Use nominal sensitivity to
  AIPS 2:                                    scale weights?
  AIPS 2:                                    = 10, use Memo 108 weights
  AIPS 2: DOACOR        0                    Load autocorrelation data?
  AIPS 2: CPARM         0           0        User options.
  AIPS 2:               0           0        1 => Avg. time (seconds)
  AIPS 2:               0           0        2 => bitmap    (see help)
  AIPS 2:               0           0.1667        = 16 for planets & Sun
  AIPS 2:               0           0        3 => Max. OK IF status
  AIPS 2:                                         <=3 => 3
  AIPS 2:                                    4 => Control dropping of
  AIPS 2:                                         shadowed data
  AIPS 2:                                         < 0 => no shadow check
  AIPS 2:                                         0 => 25 m limit
  AIPS 2:                                         > 0 => Shadow limit is
  AIPS 2:                                               CPARM(4) in meters
  AIPS 2:                                    5 = channel code (see HELP)
  AIPS 2:                                    6 => Subarray number-see HELP
  AIPS 2:                                    7 => FQ entry tolerance (kHz)
  AIPS 2:                                         (see HELP)
  AIPS 2:                                    8 => CL table time incr. min
  AIPS 2:                                    9 => TY table time incr. min
  AIPS 2:                                    10=> Calibrator avg. time
  AIPS 2: DPARM      *all 0                  Selection by Frequency
  AIPS 2:                                    1+2 => A Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    3+4 => B Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    5+6 => C Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    7+8 => D Frequency (Hz)
  AIPS 2:                                    9 => tolerance for A&C
  AIPS 2:                                    10 => tolerance for B&D
  AIPS 2: BPARM      *all 0                  Opacity and Gain curve
  AIPS 2:                                    control (see help)
  AIPS 2: IN2FILE    '                                                '
  AIPS 2:                                    Antenna gains file

* Output:
  FILLM2: Task FILLM  (release of 31DEC03) begins
  FILLM2: Shadow flag limit =  2.500E+01 meters.
  FILLM2: Opacity correction in CL table weighted average of weather and
  FILLM2:    season.  Weight for weather = 0.50
  FILLM2: Gain curve correction in CL table read from file,
  FILLM2:    with variation as function of antenna and band.
  FILLM2: tape file #  2, start date/time = 20030715/12:45:25
  FILLM2: *** ATTENTION - default: loading subarray 1 ***
  FILLM2: MCINI: Processing Correlator Code '    ' with  27 antennas.
  FILLM2: MCINI - Continuum, 2 compatible IFs
  FILLM2: Program = AK569 ; Tape revision number =   26.
  FILLM2: Create 20030716    .C BAND.   2 (UV)  on disk  1  cno  487
  FILLM2: Ref. date = 20030716 A-C =  4.885100 B-D =  4.835100 GHz
  FILLM2: FLMFQ: FQ entry tolerance =    1.000E+02   1.000E+02
  FILLM2: Found 1331+305        :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:08:10.0
  FILLM2: Zenith opacity set to 0.010
  FILLM2: Trying to access VLA antenna gains file...
  FILLM2: ZTXOP2: using translated file name =
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:13:00.0
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:14:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:15:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:17:13.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:18:13.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:19:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:20:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:22:13.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:23:13.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:24:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:25:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:27:13.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:28:13.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:29:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:30:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:32:10.0
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:33:10.0
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:34:40.0
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:35:40.0
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:37:10.0
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:38:10.0
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:39:40.0
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:40:40.0
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:42:10.0
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:43:10.0
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:44:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 14033-41230     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:45:43.3
  FILLM2: Found 13529-44127     :    0 50.000 MHz at IAT   0/ 00:47:13.3
  FILLM2: Read    199048 visibilities from  5 files
  FILLM2: Appears to have ended successfully
  FILLM2: verdi        31DEC03 TST: Cpu=       3.1  Real=     347


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