[daip] aips_gripe

Lincoln Greenhill lincoln at rglinux2.cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 8 14:19:37 EDT 2003

{08-JUL-2003 14:18:38}
{rglinux2     UN-REGISTERED!!!!!!!}
{   24  31DEC03  LINX}
{lincoln greenhill}
{This is a continuation of my last gripe (about pcntr)
 AIPS 1: XINC          2                    X-inc. of Pol vectors. 0=>1
 AIPS 1: YINC        0.001                  Y-inc. of Pol vectors. 0=>1
 AIPS 1: PCUT        0.001                  Pol. vector cutoff. P units.
 AIPS 1: ICUT         0.01                  Int. vector cutoff. I units.
 AIPS 1: POL3COL      -1                    Color polarization vectors
 AIPS 1:                                    value in degrees = red
 AIPS 1: DOALIGN       1                    Maps must align? > 0 => yes
 AIPS 1:                                    See HELP DOALIGN!
 AIPS 1: DOCIRCLE      0                    > 0 => extend ticks to form
 AIPS 1:                                    coordinate grid
 AIPS 1: PIXRANGE      0           0        Min,Max of image intensity
 AIPS 1:                                      0 => entire range.
 AIPS 1: FUNCTYPE   '  '                    Image intensity transfer func
 AIPS 1:                                      'LN' Linear.  unknown=>'LN'
 AIPS 1: ** press RETURN for more, enter Q or next line to quit print **
 AIPS 1:                                      'LG' Logarithmic
 AIPS 1:                                      'SQ' Square root
 AIPS 1:                                      'NE' Negative linear
 AIPS 1:                                      'NG' Negative logarithmic
 AIPS 1:                                      'NQ' Negative square root
 AIPS 1: DOWEDGE       0                    > 0 => plot a wedge also.
 AIPS 1:                                    = 2 => put on the right edge.
 AIPS 1:                                    = 3 => put on top using full
 AIPS 1:                                           range of image values
 AIPS 1:                                    = 4 => put on right w full
 AIPS 1:                                           range of image values
 AIPS 1: OFMFILE    '                                                '
 AIPS 1:                                    ' ' => do black & white
 AIPS 1:                                    'TV' => use TV OFM
 AIPS 1:                                    else read file for OFM
 AIPS 1: DOCOLOR       0                    Plot RGB images as true color
 AIPS 1: INVERS        0                    STar file version number.
 AIPS 1: STFACTOR      0                    Scale star sizes: 0 => none.
 AIPS 1:                                    > 0 crosses with no labels
 AIPS 1:                                    < 0 crosses with labels
 AIPS 1: CBPLOT        1                    Position for beam plot:
 AIPS 1:                                     -1: don't plot beam
 AIPS 1:                                      1: lower left (default)
 AIPS 1:                                      2: lower right
 AIPS 1:                                      3: upper right
 AIPS 1:                                      4: upper left
 AIPS 1:                                      6-9 : fill in a little
 AIPS 1:                                     11-14: more filled
 AIPS 1:                                     16-19: even more
 AIPS 1: DOTV          1                    > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
 AIPS 1:                                    make a plot file
 AIPS 1: GRCHAN        0                    Graphics channel 0 => 1.
 AIPS 1: TVCHAN        1                    Grey-scale display channel
 AIPS 1: DODARK        1                    Plot dark vectors as black?
 AIPS 1: DARKLINE      0.33                 Switch to dark lines when
 AIPS 1:                                    grey-scale > DARKLINE 0-1
 AIPS 1: TVCORN        0           0        TV pixel location of bottom
 AIPS 1:                                    left corner of image 0=> self
 AIPS 1:                                    scale, non 0 => pixel scale.
{pcntr possible bug in tst when asked to make contours. Run-time abort.}
{greenhill at cfa.harvard.edu}
{ }

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